Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday, February 28th

  • Please remember that Monday and Wednesday are gym uniforms, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are academic uniforms. Students must wear white socks with the gym uniform and navy socks with the academic uniform. 


Anti-Bullying Assembly
We had our anti-bullying assembly today. The students participated in different activities, as well as watched a video. 

Inquiry into Language 
Today the students listed words that begin with the letter Q. They sang the letter Q song, as well as watched Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew. Later in the day, they created the letter Q out of Play-Doh!


Cosmic Kids Yoga
The students participated in yoga, following the Cosmic Kids Yoga video.

Math and UOI
The students were given a sheet with a pattern block design, and different pattern blocks. They were to create the transportation shape using the blocks.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday, February 27th

  • Tomorrow is Anti-Bullying day. Please wear pink!
  • Please remember that Monday and Wednesday are gym uniforms, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are academic uniforms. Students must wear white socks with the gym uniform and navy socks with the academic uniform. 


Inquiry into Language 
Today the students listed words that begin with the letter X and Y. They sang past songs of the weeks, and went over the different letters. 


Cosmic Kids Yoga
The students participated in yoga, following the Cosmic Kids Yoga video.

The students were given a popsicle stick and created different shapes using the sticks!

UOI- Transportation
Around the room I placed "Water", "Air" and "Land". I said a type of transportation and the students and to go to the correct word.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday, February 26th

  • Tomorrow is the bake sale hosted by Oakwood Academy.
  • Wednesday February 27th is casual day
  • Thursday, February 31st is Anti-Bullying day. Please wear pink!
  • Please remember that Monday and Wednesday are gym uniforms, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are academic uniforms. Students must wear white socks with the gym uniform and navy socks with the academic uniform. 


Inquiry into Language 

Today the students listed words that begin with the letter X and Y. They sang the song of the week, as well as watched Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew and the letter Y. Later in the day they completed the letter X and Y Spot and Dot. 



Cosmic Kids Yoga
The students participated in yoga, following the Cosmic Kids Yoga video.

The students were given a popsicle stick puzzle with shapes on them. They enjoyed working in pairs to complete the puzzles!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday, February 25th

  • Tomorrow, and Wednesday, February 26th and 27th is the bake sale hosted by Oakwood Academy.
  • Wednesday February 27th is casual day
  • Next Thursday, February 31st is Anti-Bullying day. Please wear pink!
  • Please remember that Monday and Wednesday are gym uniforms, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday are academic uniforms. Students must wear white socks with the gym uniform and navy socks with the academic uniform. 


Inquiry into Language 
Today the students listed words that begin with the letter X and Y. They sang the song of the week, as well as watch the Sesame Street Podcast for the letter X. Later in the day they created the letter X and Y out of Play-Doh. 


Daily five 
We had reading buddies with Ms. Chiappetta's class!

Today we sorted shapes! The students were given either a tree or a cookie jar with a shape on it. They worked as a team to find the shapes to place onto the tree/cookie jar.

Inquiry Centres
The students enjoyed exploring inquiry centres.