Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday, October 9th

  •  Scholastic book order forms are in your child's agenda bag! They are due October 18th. 
  • Our field trip to Chudleigh's is next Monday!
  • Our class is in charge of the bake sale this month! Please bring in enough items for 20 students, and ensure they are nut free. If you have any questions, please let me know. 
  • I will be doing phone calls, or in-person meetings this week and next to update you on your child's progress. Please email me to set up a time!


Inquiry into Language 
This week, the students will be focusing on the letter P. Today we went over past songs of the week, and the students listened to this weeks song. Later we created a web with words that begin with the letter P. Once we went over those words, we played a game! Each student had to say a word that began with P, if they repeated a word, or said a word that did not begin with P, they were out. The winners received house points!


Math and Inquiry into Who We Are
Today we worked on sequencing. The students talked about the steps they take to brush their teeth. They were then given a sheet with pictures on it. They were to cut the pictures out, and glue them in the correct order. Then they were able to colour them!


Daily five 
Today the students read books by themselves. They picked a book, flipped through the pages and looked at the pictures and words. 

Inquiry Centres
The students were given a change to explore the inquiry centres. They played with food toys, gears and puzzles!

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